
bryceTHOUGHT 2: One Rule

I have one important rule: Thou shall not blog past 11 PM.  After that time, you can write, but it's well worth a glance through in the morning before you post.

I tend to ramble or go into really deep things which I don't explain very well past 11 o'clock.


But that is not what this post is about.  I'm going to do my best to keep this one really simple.

I want to learn to play piano.



bryceTHOUGHT 1: The Kindle Caper

So, I ordered a Kindle last week with a bunch of money I got from my birthday.  Last month, I was able to play around with my mom's, while I set it up for her (I am apparently the 'tech-savvy' one in the family... if they only knew).  I thought it was neat, but wasn't crazy for one.

Then I began to see the light.  There are some really amazing things you can do with this thing.  Also, Amazon has HUNDREDS of books for FREE on their site.  Plus, I was tired of lugging around my mammoth copy of The Brothers Karamazov.

I feel like a thief because I spent more than an hour last night downloading many of their free books.  Most of them are older classics, and are surely on some old reading list.  I think I came away with 50 books.  For free!

Here are a few of the better ones:
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 1,2,3,4 ; The Jungle ; Notes from the Underground ; The Idiot ; Crime and Punishment ; Anna Karenina ; The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes ; Orthodoxy ; The New Jerusalem.



[Cricket Chirp]

Oh yeah, I still own a blog. . .

Well, I obviously haven't been keeping up with this lately, but I have a plan! 

"Forget the former things;
   do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!"
No, it won't be as tremendous as what Isaiah is referring to. . . but I have found a way to help me blog more.  I'm going to be writing 'BryceTHOUGHTS', since this is BryceTHINK.  Basically, I'm going to give myself a short amount of time (since this seems to be my excuse for blogging), say five or ten minutes. Then, I'll just write about random subjects until time is up.  So, I can blog and not think I'm wasting time. 

I'm hoping that by forcing myself to write more, I'll remember why I enjoy it and have somehow kept a blog these last years.  Who knows. We shall see.
