
Life in Transition: Part 2 - Teleportation

Why haven't we figured this one out yet?  It would make it a lot easier to go to an interview in Dallas if I could just step through some portal here in Kansas City.  Forget about colliding atoms in the underground tunnel in Europe, we need to focus our efforts on something practical!  But, by the time they do get around to teleportation, it'll probably be too late...

That's alright though, because I figured it out.  Yep, I did it.  On Monday, I went from Kansas City to Dallas with little physical effort.  Now, it took about 8 hours and I had to make some bathroom stops mid-teleportationizing, but that's just details. . .

The point is I ended up in Dallas for my job interview.  And, just to prove I could, I teleported back to Kansas City yesterday, by the same means...

Alright, forget about the teleportation.  Let me get serious for a second.  I'm really excited for these jobs in Dallas.  There's a few reasons why, but the most important is this: I've never really earned a job all on my own before.  I worked for three years at a restaraunt in high school, but my cousin was the manager, so I was a shoo-in.  Then, in college, I worked with the newspaper, and my good friend was the editor.  Even with Pine Cove, my good friend Indiana Jones was the program director.  At the VA after college - my grandpa was on the research board!  It seems that everywhere I've been, I've gotten in because I knew someone.

But now, with these jobs in Dallas, I have no connections.  If I do end up with a job, it won't be because of a boss's order.  It feels like a real start, you know?

 - - -

It seems like each time I write here, I get an important phone call.

Just a few minutes ago, I got a call from the people I interviewed with this week.  In their coded language of policy, they told me they were sending off my information to HR as a 'preferred candidate,' while assuring me that HR makes the final decision. . .  I'm taking this to mean they want me!  Building expectations?  You betcha!


LOST Doesn't Have to End . . . Pick up a Book!

So, LOST is over...

But, the fun doesn't have to end.  The writers, Carlton and Damon have mentioned many times how much the Lost Books have meant to them.  I saw a good interview with them; their advice was to 'read, read, read.'  By throwing the books in, they can delve into deep, complex themes they didn't have time to fully develop in the show.

I'm not gonna read them all or anything crazy, but it's a good list . . .



Good Day

Good Day
Originally uploaded by blazon_
Rollin' by...


Life in Transition: Part 1 - A Rude Awakening

Let me fill you in . . . 

My life is in transition - the state of moving from one chapter to the next.  I'm moving from the mega-maturation process of the Forge to securing a full-time job in Dallas.  And let me be the first to tell you - life in transition is CRAZY.  I was free from the craziness for a bit, but now, it has caught up with me again . . . 

For 11 days, I was living with my Forge friends, first on our post-Forge trip through Texas, and then in Dallas.  I was able to mooch off of the Seifreids for a few days until my interview with UT Southwestern.  The interview went extremely well - they're looking for someone to work full-time for a short period (1-1/2 years); basically, this job is made for people looking to go on to grad school, like me.  

But, things were tough in Dallas.  It was great to still be with a few Forgies, but it still felt like the Forge hadn't really ended - I had no closure.  So, after 11 days of mooching, I came back 'home' to Missouri.  

I say 'home', because for the first time, it really doesn't feel like home.  With the job and the thought of moving to Dallas in my sights, I feel like a guest here.  Not to mention, I've spent the past week going through all my old junk, boxing up the stuff I want to take and throwing the rest away.

And then, this morning, I literally woke up to a phone call for an interview.  Now, I have an interview in Dallas next week; the craziness has caught back up with me.  

Things were quiet for a bit, but now more hard decisions are coming.  With either position, I'm likely to START around the first of June.  That means I could be LIVING and WORKING in Dallas in less than 10 days!  

So, that phone call awakened me in more ways than one.  Time to get moving.  



He was hanging around while I was cleaning my room.