
Christmas 2009

Christmas has been good.  Very good.

My grandfather was selling some old lenses he had for his old FILM SLR.  I managed to talk him out of two lenses:

Tamron 20-40mm f/2.8-3.5
Tamron 28-300mm f/3.5-6.3

So, I've been playing around with them, to say the least.  Here's the first batch, more later.

Happy New Year's!



Bryce v. The Draining Battery

Come children, and let me tell you the tale

Of the battery that was not all well.

Instead of purring, like a small kitten

Bryce’s car started like a dog, bitten;

For, under the hood, there lived a small beast;

Upon the battery, he loved to feast.

For many weeks, Bryce went out with cables,

But each time, returned fazed and unable.

He called on his prudent, parental allies,

To help him escape a certain demise.

With new unknown ideas, fresh in his head,

He thought and concentrated, then went to bed.

He came out early the very next morn’

And readied for battle, his mind reformed.

But as he approached the fiend’s lair,

His heart turned to stone, to his great despair

The monster had taken control of the locks,

And hidden himself down under the shocks!

Defeated again, Bryce left in a race,

And hurried toward home, to solve his case.

Finally, he sought out wise man Google;

Who he knew, rightly, to be no such fool.

“You must seek Expert Auto Electric

If you wish for your car again to tick.”

So, Bryce went and found this very strange place,

Who knew of some with a similar case.

Carlos, the leader, came out with his tools,

But the coward beast thought all of them fools.

Still, Carlos came at it, all full of smarts,

And he wounded the beast into two parts!

Seeing defeat, right now before its eyes,

The beast hid deeper, down in the dark lines.

Again came Carlos, with pliers in twos,

Checking each and every single fuse.

The beast was found among the power-locks,

But croaked quickly upon Carlos’ knock.

Therefore, the battery-beast being slain,

Bryce leaped in the air, but only in vain.

For brave Carlos, having destroyed the beast,

Now wanted his money, for fine treats.

So Bryce paid up, ecstatic with cheer,

Since the beast was gone meant nothing to fear.


So, What’s Going on Now?

Right now, we are in the midst of Robinson Crusoe. The book makes people pretty polarized – and I’m on the side that loves it. Most of what I love is how Defoe writes. He wrote when English was used properly, and doesn’t go easy on the reader with his long, complex sentences. Still, I love it.

I’m working this weekend at the Timbers. It’s really cool to work the retreats right there alongside the full time staff. In fact, it’s hard to think of it like ‘work’. More like serving and playing in good fun. If that’s work, let me know where you can do that!

Next week we’re going on a trip. We don’t know where.

In other news, I’m in love with the band mewithoutyou. You need to listen to their album Brother, Sister. The entire album is told from the perspective of a shipwrecked guy and has this ‘rock-piratey’ feel all throughout. Also, it’s all about his lyrics – the man is a fine wordsmith. So, here’s a few lyrics, but really, they are just the tip!

“If ever you come near I'll hold up high a mirror,

Lord, I could never show you anything as beautiful as You”

“what good is each good thing we think we do?”

“Shadow am I!

Like a suspicion that's never confirmed

But it's never denied.

Wolf am I,

no, "shadow" - I think - is better

cause I'm not something - more like the absence of something -


“you're a door-without-a-key, a field-without-a-fence

you made a holy fool of me and I've thanked you ever since.

but if I'm a crown without a king, if I'm a broken open seed

if I come without a thing, then I come with all I need

no boat out in the blue, no place to rest your head,

the trap I set for you seems to have caught my leg instead!

I do not exist

Only You exist”

Those last words have been on my mind a ton during the forge. I do not exist, only You exist.

The Covenant

Okay, so, the Covenant is a major part of the Forge. As a group, of 24 guys and girls, we had to come up with rules regarding how we will relate to different topics such as media, the outside world, alcohol, etc. All of the rules we created were not because these things are inherently bad, but we chose to not partake in a lot of things so that we could focus on each other as well as other important things while we are in the Forge. This being said, you should know some things that I won’t be doing along with my Forge class until May 1. We decided to only listen to not watch any television, not watch any movies, only listen to christian music, not drink alcohol or smoke tobacco, not do any Forge work on Sundays, and not date each other or resident staff. Again, none of these things are bad, but for each one we have a specific reason. For instance, we are not only choosing to not watch TV to rid ourselves of distractions, but we also decided to challenge one another by forcing us to change how we relate to our families, and friends when we go home. Trust me, we’ve had hours of discussion about each of these topics.

That being said, we’ve been ‘practicing’ the covenant for two weeks now. It was hard at first, but now it’s easy to follow. It was tough when I went home, but I looked at it as a challenge. I think I was able to communicate with my family much better by not watching TV.

So, yeah… that’s the covenant.

The First Two Months Real Fast!

  • · First two weeks – introductory; lots of getting to know names; ropes training*
  • · Began Covenant meetings (see next post).
  • · Knocked over a huge, dead tree… found baby squirrels living there… [bad times]
  • · Started P2 in the mornings… [soreness]
  • · Started classes.
  • · Began reading Life Together.
  • · We went somewhere.
  • · More classes, more assignments.
  • · Finished Life Together.
  • · I’ve worked 4 weekends so far – 1 conference, 3 retreats [tons of fun!]
  • · Went home this weekend for med school interview at MU!
  • · Visited Rolla for about 3 hours after said med school interview.
  • · Finished Covenant. (see next post)
  • Yeah, that pretty much covers it.
  • *NOTE: I hate heights, but ropes training mitigated a lot of that fear. Did you know a zip tether’s breaking strength was around 10,000 pounds?

Here at the Forge…

Everything is perfect. All right, that’s not true, but it’s also not far off.

When I was at Rolla, I was always looking for time to just get away from the busy-ness of life to really think about what was important, to learn more about myself, and dig into the Bible. But, school always disrupted my thoughts, breaking them up. However, the Forge focuses time for each of these subjects and more. Thus, I’ve really enjoyed the first two months here.

Now, I can’t just talk about anything here, since we are sworn to secrecy by Matt (the director). So, I’m going to be bluntly vague sometimes, and you’re just gonna have to deal with it! But really, if you’re seriously considering doing the Forge, just don’t read this… it’ll be much more fun that way!



Just wanted to let anyone who reads this know about a little project I've been doing. It's called 365days - basically, you take a creative self-portrait everyday for a year. You can check out my pics so far here on flickr.



The News

The news scares me. It frightens me in a big-picture way, for two reasons. The first, less important, lies in what the media calls "news." By following what is news, we can see what is important (at least what the media thinks is important) to our society. All I hear now is about the Jonas Brothers, the Hills, finding blame for Michael Jackson's death, or another celebrity's latest mishap. Some of the things that make the headlines... c'mon!

The other thing that worries me is scarier. With every story of a horrific act, I wonder what would have to happen where people would say, "This is it. This is the final straw of hope in our values." Would it be a murder? A rape? A war? What would it have been one hundred, two hundred years ago? Imagine explaining to a revolutionary war fighter why we had to drop a bomb which killed 75,000 people instantly in Hiroshima. He would spit in our face and tell us we've lost our moral compass. Then, we'd tell him about Nagasaki...

What scares me the most is when I try and think about the most horrific act that could ever be done by man - I can't come up with anything that hasn't been done. Are we holding on to a sinking ship? Are we past the point of no return? Are we, as a whole, beyond redemption?

On an unrelated note (really, it's unrelated), check out this video.




Summer Plans

Summer is two-thirds over already, so I'm going to take a look at a list I put together while in school of what I wanted to accomplish this summer.

-Exercise- check. Off and on at times, but definitely a check.

-Work-check. Thank goodness.

-God - semi-check... it's been a tough summer in this area.

-Tint off car - check! I totally de-tinted my car!

-get rid of crap - check. Did this the first week.

-visit Texas - check! Just did this!

-organize basement - no check. Haven't gotten there yet...

-save money - check. This is hard.

-read lots of books - sorta check. 1.9 books down.

-walk dog - check! Unfortunately, Pluto is getting very old now. He has arthritis and can't go for long walks...

Well look at that. About 8 more checks than I would have imagined. Still, a few more things are necessary:

-buy Forge books- bargain hunting!

-visit Rolla- freshman week baby!

-medical school applicationing - sent off the first round, waiting for the second round.

The summer ain't over yet. But, August always seems to fly by. Well, let's hope it does, cause I can't wait for the Forge!


"Love - it's the last transmission" ~ MAE


Watch This Space

I'm feeling fiesty... mmm. So, watch out for some new posts coming up here.



The Best Song Ever

It'll change your life.

"Help me out here" by the Cobalt Season
(you can listen to it here - help me out here

Rain falling down on my face
Wash me clean, wash my sins away
Take me back where I used to run
Fast and free like the kingdom come

Like the kingdom come

Still we go marching on blood on our hands
Dirt on our skin, heads in the sand
In some other town or in the here and now
How far where we go all that we allow

Help me out here, I'm getting tired
Help me out here, I'm getting tired

And pardon me, if I say too muhc
I could never ignore that which i ought not touch
Curiosity might be all I got and some cynicsym from experienced rut
Cause my experience brought me here

They say we must go on, never looking back
Lest we ever learn the wisdom that we lack
Curiosity, it might be my death
Though I may stop from time to time to catch my breath

Would you help me out here? I'm getting tired.
Help me out here, I'm getting tired.

And all that we need to see, and all those we need to hear
We tie their hands behind their backs and look away

Yes we tear the shirts right off their backs
And then donate cash for all they lack
Fancy ourselves philanthropists
Save justice for another day

And we wonder how we got so far
Making money off each others scars
"Still it's never my fault, I mean what other options did I have?"

Buying someone else's tyrannic dream Of force and greed and foolish schemes When there is light to help illuminate the way? Still we choose to tell each other lies That this kingdom could never be realized The master never could of meant the words he said...

I'm getting tired.

Where do we go from here? God only knows.
Perhaps that's just some bullshit spiritual prose.
Perhaps we're the ones, we've been waiting for.

Perhaps God has just been waiting at our door.
He's waiting at the door.

I'll try to be the first to tell you when I'm wrong
Write a book about it right here in my song.

Here is where I start to try and start again
Learning to become father and a friend.

Would you help me out here? I'm getting tired.