Anyways, Paul calls himself 'a bond servant of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God...' The part that struck me the hardest was the last part - set apart for the gospel of God. When I read this, I ask myself what would happen if that was my purpose - I am set apart for the gospel of God. What if sharing and living out the gospel was my only intention in life? Wow. Anyways, so I was chewing on that bit for the rest of the day...
Physical Chemistry II, Intermediate Quantitative Analysis, and Molecular Genetics slipped by. I was so tired. I almost fell asleep once for every letter in those class names. (I did stay up late and get up early).
But, I wasn't worried about these classes, I was worried about what lied ahead at 1:00.
I had a lab for P-Chem. But, out of five groups, me and my partner were the lucky group to start out with zero information and design an experiment to figure out a reaction rate. If you don't understand where to begin from this, then you're in my shoes.
We gave a presentation the week before about how we were going to perform the experiment (we had no idea what to do), and the teacher ripped us apart with a few specific questions. I wasn't looking forward to this lab at all.
We ended up finding a part of an experiment online that we hoped to get working. So, we went into the lab, hoping to work something out. Now, I could go into some chemistry methods and such, but I won't do that. Very simply, we got the experiment to work, but it was running too fast. So, me and Brian worked out some math, and figured out how to make it run slower. And it did! Then, we tried to speed it up, and again we succeeded! I guess I've always had my doubts in chemistry, never thinking I was 'good enough.' But, this lab today somehow proved to my doubting inner ego that yes, I can do chemistry (which is good, since I've been studying it for four years).
As I'm walking back from lab, on top of the world, I hear music coming from our neighboring house. I thought they were having a dance party or something, but no one was outside, or on the porch... then I saw five people on the roof including a violinist and a guitartist...
About three minutes later, I was up there too. Their roof is actually very comfortable if you lie down. And, something about being on a roof changes things. Maybe it's just because it's a whole new perception experience, or maybe it's because you feel superior to the peons below... I'm not sure.
I came back from across the street pretty content. I was so happy, I loaded up an episode of the Office that I downloaded for free. It was just about as close to perfection as I could get. I had a quesadilla on one plate, a cherry coke by my side, and my pants were missing. And, I watched the office to my heart's content. Amazing.
Then, our first gel group came along. I'm co-leading a group going through John 13-17 (the upper room discourse). Now, you may not know this, but I hate public speaking. I'm fine if I don't know I'll be in front of people, but once I'm there, knowing what's coming... I freak out. I've been trying to improve, trying to throw myself out there, but it's still hard.
So, I guess I was sort of dreading tonight. I was basing how this night would go off of how my last worry-wrought one was. Anyways, it ended up going really well. We didn't run out of stuff to say, no awkward moments happened, and I got to know all the people in our group. I know I'm not Larry King now or anything, but it's a nice step forward.
So, that's been my day. But, it's important not to forget where it all started. I know I won't.
“If you read history you will find that the Christians who did the most for the present world were precisely those who thought most of the next. It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this.” ~C.S. Lewis
[Maybe one of these days I'll put up a post that isn't as serious. I've realized lately though that I really like things that have some sort of meaning in all parts of them, especially movies. So, I guess I put a lot of thought into the things I do.]
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