
The News

The news scares me. It frightens me in a big-picture way, for two reasons. The first, less important, lies in what the media calls "news." By following what is news, we can see what is important (at least what the media thinks is important) to our society. All I hear now is about the Jonas Brothers, the Hills, finding blame for Michael Jackson's death, or another celebrity's latest mishap. Some of the things that make the headlines... c'mon!

The other thing that worries me is scarier. With every story of a horrific act, I wonder what would have to happen where people would say, "This is it. This is the final straw of hope in our values." Would it be a murder? A rape? A war? What would it have been one hundred, two hundred years ago? Imagine explaining to a revolutionary war fighter why we had to drop a bomb which killed 75,000 people instantly in Hiroshima. He would spit in our face and tell us we've lost our moral compass. Then, we'd tell him about Nagasaki...

What scares me the most is when I try and think about the most horrific act that could ever be done by man - I can't come up with anything that hasn't been done. Are we holding on to a sinking ship? Are we past the point of no return? Are we, as a whole, beyond redemption?

On an unrelated note (really, it's unrelated), check out this video.




Summer Plans

Summer is two-thirds over already, so I'm going to take a look at a list I put together while in school of what I wanted to accomplish this summer.

-Exercise- check. Off and on at times, but definitely a check.

-Work-check. Thank goodness.

-God - semi-check... it's been a tough summer in this area.

-Tint off car - check! I totally de-tinted my car!

-get rid of crap - check. Did this the first week.

-visit Texas - check! Just did this!

-organize basement - no check. Haven't gotten there yet...

-save money - check. This is hard.

-read lots of books - sorta check. 1.9 books down.

-walk dog - check! Unfortunately, Pluto is getting very old now. He has arthritis and can't go for long walks...

Well look at that. About 8 more checks than I would have imagined. Still, a few more things are necessary:

-buy Forge books- bargain hunting!

-visit Rolla- freshman week baby!

-medical school applicationing - sent off the first round, waiting for the second round.

The summer ain't over yet. But, August always seems to fly by. Well, let's hope it does, cause I can't wait for the Forge!


"Love - it's the last transmission" ~ MAE